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K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal

Company: K2M Doradztwo Inwestycyjne, Maciej Prasal
Head office: 93-519 Łódź, ul. Sokola 6/29
NIP: PL 729-203-03-87
REGON: 473243680
Registered in evidence of business in:
    Delegatura Łódź - Górna, number II RHU 64111-55131/2004

Contact:, or through forums, Administrator SushiMaker.

Bank account:
    Bank details: BRE BANK S.A. BRE WBE/ŁÓDŹ
    Account number: PL 06 1140 2004 0000 3102 3456 4345